Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I first heard of this from Tricia's blog and then Cynthia had a great link that I wanted to share. Yesterday, a statement was issued that an organization called Changing Minds Foundations claim they can "cure" Down Syndrome. You can find the link to the Changing Minds Foundation through Tricia. Below, is an excerpt from a Down syndrome organization commenting on the assertions of Changing Minds.

We are a group of healthcare professionals, scientists and support organizations who care for and about people with Down syndrome. We wish to provide families with information about a proposed "treatment" for Down syndrome. We recognize that all parents wish to improve the lives of their children with Down syndrome and are interested in treatments, therapies and interventions that can help. We respect these wishes. At the same time, we are concerned that these "treatments" are potentially dangerous."

You can read the rest of this article here.

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