Monday, January 14, 2008

She slept thru the night!

Let's hope this is a trend. Penny went to bed last night around 8pm and slept until 4:30 am at which point she woke up to be fed. Then she went back to sleep after I fed her and she was still asleep at 6:15 am when I left to go to work. Yay!


Tricia said...

Woo-hoo! Love all the photos...although some of them are hard to look at becuase I know how it is for poor Penny (and mom and dad!)...she's a real trooper though, that girl!

Those Johnnies really bring back memories!

Did Katie have the baby?

Anonymous said...

Yay for sleeping through the night! Glad to see you've joined the blogging world! I've started a monthly CDSC New Haven County parents night out if you're ever interested in coming! Email me sometime