A blog about my daughter growing up and facing the joys and challenges of growing up with Down syndrome and Tetralogy of Fallot while enjoying the love of a rough older brother. (Look how purple her feet were before her heart repair.)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
OMG 10 months is huge for you!
Pictures for the Masses
Wow it has been awhile!
I think all the kids had a really good time. I am pretty proud of myself that I didn't go overboard with the candy this year.
Not too much to report on Penny. She doesn't see her Cardiologist until May 9 and her pediatrician in May as well, maybe even June since her birthday is May 29. We missed two weeks with the physical therapist because first Penelope had a fever and then she was on vacation. We saw her on Thurday and boy! was she impressed. Penny waved goodbye to her and I think she teared up a little bit. Dr. Yvette could not say enough great things about how well Penny is doing, "for her to know that there is a social implication behind waiving, to have that comprehension is a huge thing at 10 months!" I felt like such a proud Momma! Then later I had her on the floor to play while I was reading and we looked up at each other. She smiled and waved at me! Up until that point I thought she was only copying, but she did it this time on her own. Also, the big milestone for the week is that she is doing a great job of sitting on her own now. At least five minutes at a time she can keep herself balanced. This was brand new this week so I will have to get a picture of her when she is in a good mood and post it. I also need to get the pictures of her in her beautiful Easter dress and get those posted as well.
I hope everyone else out there had a great Easter, I know it was hard on Scott and his family to have this first Easter without their mother. I miss her a lot and Nathaniel still talks about her a lot.
Right now I am trying to get her to go down for a nap. She must be taking "no sleeping" lessons from Nathaniel or something.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
DR.'s Appt 3/04
Right now she has one of those unexplained fevers. She has had it since Wed. morning. We took her back to the doctor on Wednesday afternoon, but all of her glands and canals are clear. Then today I noticed a stinky urine diaper. I'm sure her discomfort is from teething, but what if it is a UTI. Pretty uncommom, but I would hate to have her suffer through something so treatable. We know which antibiotics to put her on, and which ones she is sensative to.
I just want my little Penny pooper to feel better.