Saturday, March 14, 2009

So much to catch up on

So I have not disappeared off the face of the planet. I apologize for being away for so long, but there has been so much to do. This week I have started a bathroom remodel project.


Not that I want to complain or anything, but why, why can't anything be easy. This wall paper backing is NOT coming off easy in any way. I have tried to commit about an hour every day after work to scraping the paper off the wall, but I can't even get one tiny wall done in an hour. Please excuse my giant butt!! But, hey, I have a wonderful little helper. For now, we are going to paint the walls. Color is TBA, and I want to change out the vanity top and the sink. It has seen better days.
The glaze has been literally popping off the sink bowl. It is a creepy noise when you are on the toilet and then you hear this noise like chipping glass. You can't see it in this picture, but there are spots where you see the cobalt metal that is rusting.


Lacey said...

Wallpaper is the worst. We are getting ready to finish our basement and I think we are going to be wuss's and hire someone to do it.

Lynne said...

Lacey, I've wallpapered most every room in my house...I actually prefer to paper than paint. Having said that...the absolute worst was when a sheet came in contact with a live wire. Ouch! I asked my husband about it...he said not to wouldn't cause permanent damage. err...I don't THINK so! I let him put that sheet up by himself!
My home is over 100 years old and I've learned one thing: do not put up obvious lines or squares!

Lynne said...

Maureen, Didn't you know that NOTHING is ever easy when it comes to redoing walls, floors, ceilings, windows, molding or any other little thing in the house?
Good luck!

Lynne said...

Lacey, I've wallpapered most every room in my house...I actually prefer to paper than paint. Having said that...the absolute worst was when a sheet came in contact with a live wire. Ouch! I asked my husband about it...he said not to wouldn't cause permanent damage. err...I don't THINK so! I let him put that sheet up by himself!
My home is over 100 years old and I've learned one thing: do not put up obvious lines or squares!

Lynne said...

Lacey, I've wallpapered most every room in my house...I actually prefer to paper than paint. Having said that...the absolute worst was when a sheet came in contact with a live wire. Ouch! I asked my husband about it...he said not to wouldn't cause permanent damage. err...I don't THINK so! I let him put that sheet up by himself!
My home is over 100 years old and I've learned one thing: do not put up obvious lines or squares!

Joanie said...

Is there an echo in here?

Joanie said...

Maureen, I have something for you on my blog. Look at lemonade stand, March 12th.